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A Great Smile Can Change Your Life!
Sedation Dentistry

Discover a relaxing and stress-free way to receive the dental care you need.

Novi’s Safe & Effective Sedation Dentistry

The feeling of unease when walking into a dental office is a common fear patients have. The sound of drills, the smell of fluoride, and the sensation of someone poking around in your mouth can make dental anxiety a very real and overwhelming experience. At My Family Dental Novi, we understand these concerns and are committed to providing our Novi, MI, patients with a stress-free solution—sedation dentistry.

Our goal is to make your visit as relaxing and painless as possible, and that starts by easing your anxieties and calming your nerves. Through the use of nitrous oxide sedation, our dentists will transform your dental experience into one that’s positive and reassuring. At My Family Dental Novi, your peace of mind is our top priority. Schedule an appointment with us today to receive high-quality dental care that doesn’t cause you stress.

Receive Comfortable Dental Care with Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxide, commonly known as “laughing gas,” is a safe and effective sedation option widely used in dentistry to help patients relax during their procedures. Administered through a mask that fits over the nose and inhaled, nitrous oxide creates a calming and euphoric sensation, significantly reducing anxiety and discomfort. Aside from calming your nerves, nitrous oxide provides a variety of other benefits, including:

  • Fast-acting: Patients will feel relaxed almost immediately
  • Quick recovery time: You’ll be able to return to normal activities shortly after your appointment
  • Adjustable treatment: Our dentists can control the level of sedation needed for each patient

Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry

Hearing the term “sedation” can cause a whole other set of fears, especially if you’re unsure how it will affect you. To help alleviate any concerns and provide clarity, we’ve put together a list of sedation dentistry FAQs.

That decision is entirely up to you, but those who experience dental-related fears and difficulties with standard numbing are ideal candidates for sedation dentistry. Additionally, we recommend patients who have strong gag reflexes and extremely sensitive teeth undergo sedation dentistry to relieve any discomfort felt during treatment.

As a mild sedative, nitrous oxide is safe for children and adults of all ages. Our dental professionals carefully administer and monitor it to ensure safety and effectiveness. Its rapid onset and quick recovery time make it ideal for children, allowing them to undergo necessary dental treatments without anxiety or discomfort.

If you’re concerned about your child receiving nitrous oxide sedation, talk with the My Family Dental Novi dentists. We’d be happy to explain the entire process and answer any questions you may have.

When you’re given nitrous oxide, you aren’t fully asleep like other sedation dentistry techniques. Instead, you enter a euphoric state that allows you to respond to your dentist’s questions or instructions. The effects of this short-acting sedative last only until the gas is turned off. Once this happens, it takes about 5 to 10 minutes for the sedative to leave your system.

Receive Quality Dental Care Without the Anxiety

At My Family Dental in Novi, MI, we want our patients to love walking through the door and feel confident about their dental care. Our commitment to your comfort and well-being is obvious in our use of sedation dentistry, designed to make every visit as relaxing as possible. Don’t let dental anxiety stand in the way of your oral health. Come experience the difference of a dental practice that truly cares about your peace of mind.

If you’re tired of getting a panic attack before your dental appointment and dreading every visit to the dentist, it’s time for a change. Contact us today to discuss your sedation options and take the first step toward a worry-free dental appointment.

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